sexual violence

  • Perfidy in the blood

    As children, we are brought up to believe that the home is a safe haven we share with our parents and siblings, and perhaps even extended family and a few pets; it is a place where we are reared, cared for and protected so we have the opportunity to...
  • En-route to Public Transit Safety for Women  

    The ability to move freely and have full control over movement plays an influential role in a woman’s economic emancipation. It is not untrue to claim that true empowerment is only possible through improved mobility which enables women to take control over their lives, have access to education, markets...
  • On Accepting Violence Against Women

    Whenever I come across news of a woman being sexually assaulted, or a girl being molested, my mind wanders back into my life as a social science teacher, conducting classes in both cultural anthropology and sociology, among other things. I remember one sociological reading I assigned to each of...

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