The cost of insufficient maternal health has reached massive heights in recent times. Every year, close to 350,000 women die worldwide due to a lack of proper postpartum and maternal healthcare. Around 99% of these deaths occur in third world and developing countries, with Pakistan being the leader in...
November 12th, 2019, Nairobi (Kenya): Private sector organizations including the Ford Foundation, Johnson & Johnson, Philips, World Vision and many others announced today at the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 they will mobilize some $8 billion in combined new pledges to achieve zero preventable maternal deaths, zero unmet need for...
November 12th, 2019, Nairobi (Kenya): World leaders, representatives of non-governmental organizations, young people, business leaders and community groups today began unveiling their commitments to end preventable maternal death, meet all women’s demand for family planning, and stop violence against women and girls by 2030. The commitments are being made...
November 2019, Nairobi (Kenya): Smart investments can transform women’s lives! This was the message that reverberated across the Nairobi Summit. The price tag to achieve three world-transforming results in the next decade – ending preventable maternal deaths, eliminating gender-based violence and harmful practices, and meeting the family planning needs of...