It is an oft repeated sentiment by the young and old, particularly in Eastern societies, that marriages are made in heaven. A notion romanticized in storybooks, TV dramas and on the silver-screen; but in reality, it may be far from truth. While the notion of falling in love and...
Jan 28th, 2019, Nairobi (Kenya), Dubai (UAE): TAP Africa has formed solid alliances with Consulnet Corporation, WomenInTechPK, The Shima Foundation, and Ananke Magazine, in an effort to bridge the tech gap in Kenya and expand as well as unlock economic opportunities for young people. With the primary focus on...
January 24th, Dubai (UAE): Ananke– a Dubai-based, digital, multi-faceted, platform empowering women through awareness, advocacy and education, announces that it has been nominated for the prestigious World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) awards 2019 to be held in April in Geneva Switzerland. Ananke has entered the phase of...
January 17th, 2019, Boston & New York City (USA): Citigroup and the investment management firm Arjuna Capital, a leader in gender pay equity shareholder resolutions, announced today that Citi is the first U.S. company to agree to disclose data on its “global median gender pay gap.” The announcement came quickly in response...
January 17, 2019, Abu Dhabi (UAE): NAMA Women Advancement Establishment (NAMA) and the ‘Women in Sustainability, Environment and Renewable Energy’ (WiSER) platform – a Masdar-led initiative dedicated to inspiring women and girls to play an active role in addressing global sustainability challenges – have announced a strategic partnership for...
While many of us have heard of, or even fallen victim to, cybercrimes such as data and identity theft, it seems that relatively few know the value of the information stolen from us. A new study from Kaspersky Labhas revealed that while our identity may not be worth a...
January 10th, 2019, Sharjah (UAE): The Pearl Initiative, the leading Gulf business-led non-profit organisation promoting a corporate culture of accountability and transparency, today announced the appointment of Yasmine Omari as its new Executive Director. Ms Omari assumed responsibilities on January 1st, 2019, after being promoted from her position as...
Would you say the course of your life has had a great impact on your vision and perspective? We would love to know from you how your life’s journey started as a feminist? Like many other American feminists, I was active in the civil rights and anti-war movements–but unlike most feminists, I had...