• Nosferatu: Exploring Societal Manifestations of Darkness

    Nosferatu: Exploring Societal Manifestations of Darkness

    Art imitates life. It not only mirrors society, but also supplies a mirror through which social norms, taboos, stereotypes and deeply entrenched belief systems can be discovered by a discerning eye. Indeed, as with all other societal manifestations, darkness can be easily transported, translated and expressed in art form....
  • 1 woman or girl killed every 10 minutes by intimate partner or other family member

    1 woman or girl killed every 10 minutes by intimate partner or other family member

    November 25th, 2024, (New York/Vienna): On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25, the report Femicides in 2023: Global Estimates of Intimate Partner/Family Member Femicides by UN Women and UNODC reveals that femicide—the most extreme form of violence against women and girls—remains pervasive in the world. Globally, 85,000...
  • Pakistani digital platform offers women avenues to report, seek advice related to GBV

    Pakistani digital platform offers women avenues to report, seek advice related to GBV

    November 2nd, 2023 (Lahore, Pakistan): Digital Rights Foundation (DRF) Pakistan is relaunching ‘Ab Aur Nahin’, a pro bono online portal for women seeking legal representation and psychological counselling in cases of harassment and gender-based violence. The website works by linking victims/survivors to helpful resources and connecting them with qualified...
  • HHS Launches Innovation Challenge to Prevent Human Trafficking Among Women and Girls

    HHS Launches Innovation Challenge to Prevent Human Trafficking Among Women and Girls

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) Office on Women’s Health (OWH), is launching a new challenge worth up to $1.8 million to organizations with successful innovative and life-changing approaches to address human trafficking prevention among women and...
  • Millennials taking center stage at EmTech MENA 2019

    Millennials taking center stage at EmTech MENA 2019

    Millennials taking center stage at EmTech MENA 2019; Ghena Alhanaee, Amer Al Jabri, Fouad Maksoud and Laila Ziko know that they can make the world a better and safer place. When MIT Technology Review announced its ‘Innovators Under 35’ award, they were ready to take center stage at EmTech...
  • World not delivering quality maternal health care to poorest mothers – UNICEF

    More than five million families across Africa, Asia, and Latin America and the Caribbean spend over 40 per cent of their non-food household expenses on maternal health services every year, UNICEF said in a new analysis on maternal health. Nearly two-thirds of these households, or around three million, are...
  • Advancing Safe Motherhood

    Responses from 1.2 million women, collected by mobilizers in 114 countries show reproductive and maternal healthcare is often unsanitary, undignified and under-equipped.   White Ribbon Alliance reveals the global results of its ground- breaking What Women Want Campaign; the largest ever open-ended survey into women’s opinion on their own...
  • Raising Teen Voices Against Violence in Africa

    Tell us about the organization; what was the main idea behind its launch? TAP Africa is a teens-focused initiative that aims to help raise a generation of youths, who are aware of the challenges affecting their communities and are eager to create sustainable solutions. Through our work, we engage...
  • Groundbreaking women’s health event to challenge gender bias, taboos

    Some of the most serious issues related to women in Pakistan are their well-being and reproductive health. The World Bank has ranked Pakistani women’s general welfare and health among the lowest in the world. The situation, however, is not all that bleak. With the right efforts – implementable, advocated...

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