Care work

  • IN FOCUS – WD2019: Caring Is Sharing

    June 5th, 2019, Vancouver (Canada):50 minutes a day. That’s the amount of additional time men would need to contribute every day to caring for children and households to make a leap toward achieving gender equality in unpaid care, reveals the third-ever State of the World’s Fathers report, released today by Promundo,...
  • OPINION: Care Work, Gender and Sustainability

    Every day, mothers, daughters, sisters labor on, remaining unrecognized, unacknowledged toiling rigorously for the continuation of societies and communities all across the world. While hundreds of thousands walk miles and miles to get water for entire families, others take care of the elderly at home and yet there many...
  • Cultures of Care: On Media and Gender

    This is the last article of Ananke’s special series on Care Economy. Click to read the first and second articles. While the realm of fiction has been a playing field for feminist writers such as the Sub-continent’s Quratulain Haider, Ismat Chugtai, Kamla Das and renowned Arab author Nawal el...
  • Cultures of Care: On Gender And Autonomy

    This is the second article in the three part series on Care Economy. Click to read the first article. Gender has played a galvanizing role in the division of labor from time immemorial. From agrarian communities to modern age societies, economic development has formed its base by leveraging women...
  • Cultures of Care: Morality and Gender

    This article is the first of three articles on Care Economy and its critical role in development.  From time immemorial, care work has been considered a female ‘prerogative’. Stemming from a patriarchal mindset, care-giving responsibilities to the young and old alike are presumed to be mainly a woman’s job....

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