Gender equality is the buzzword of the 21th century as is the very real struggle for growth of global economy. Surprisingly though, with such realities in plain sight, half of the population of the world being women are still unable to fully participate in modern economy. That said, those...
The Girls’ Lounge is a revolutionary US-based entity that offers support and mentoring to professional women, enabling them to find their voice and embrace their ‘feminine leadership powers’. Headed by the visionary Shelley Zalis, the Lounge advocates gender balance in the corporate world thereby effecting ‘real change for real...
Career development on an institutional and student level is critical to one’s success. Developing countries like Peru, Uruguay in the Latin American region or Nepal, Myanmar and Sri Lanka in Asia are prime examples of the dearth of opportunities in terms of skill development and mentorship that play an...
The impact of climate change on gender can hardly be ignored. Realizing the stakes, countries, NGOs and scientists the world over are now coming together in not only putting an emphasis on adapting to the impact of climate change but also in striving to develop solutions to the issue...
Children hold key to the future and their positive mental, physical as well as socio-economic nourishment is fundamental not only for healthy societies, but for sustainable development of nations. That said, children are also one of the most vulnerable groups susceptible to man as well as climate inflicted devastation...
We all see things and people through some sort of lenses. Now, whether they be rose-tinted ones or heavily-darkened by negative bias or prejudice, mainly depends on what we have been told, taught, and what we have experienced. In the UAE where people from various ethnic backgrounds merge into...
On the surface, it’s encouraging that over the past three decades the overall percentage of women receiving degrees in Science, Technology Engineering or Maths (STEM) disciplines has increased. However, it’s very dispiriting that this has not translated into actual STEM careers for women. The main reason for this is...
Founder-CEO Kalsoom Lakhani of Invest2Innovate, an organization that supports early state enterprises and developing a productive entrepreneurship ecosystem especially in Pakistan, chats with ANANKE about creating an enabling environment, fostering growth to craft social impact in the country. Tell us about Invest2Innovate? What do you consider your most significant...
Tell us about yourself? I am a Romanian based in Dubai since 2011. Apart from working as a lawyer corporate / commercial / dispute resolution / international transactions), I am a professor at the University of Wollongong, Dubai, teaching International Law, Diplomacy, Business Law and few other related subjects....