
  • 1 woman or girl killed every 10 minutes by intimate partner or other family member

    1 woman or girl killed every 10 minutes by intimate partner or other family member

    November 25th, 2024, (New York/Vienna): On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25, the report Femicides in 2023: Global Estimates of Intimate Partner/Family Member Femicides by UN Women and UNODC reveals that femicide—the most extreme form of violence against women and girls—remains pervasive in the world. Globally, 85,000...
  • ‘I’m Speaking’ (Mr. Trump)

    ‘I’m Speaking’ (Mr. Trump)

    Let’s get one thing straight, the Kamala Harris debacle – if one can call it that – is not because of her being a woman. Granted, it may have played a part in the US elections 2024 specifically for the voters, but surely a very miniscule part. This assertion...

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