
  • Top 5 Women Conquering the Blockchain World

    Top 5 Women Conquering the Blockchain World

    Blockchain technology isn’t new in the tech space, but its revolutionary applications and problem-solving implementations are disruptively amazing. And today it’s not just men working on making an impact through blockchain, several women have stepped up to spearhead this new immutable ledger technology. Let’s highlight the top five women...
  • Editorial: On Voice And Agency

    Editorial: On Voice And Agency

    It was in 1911 when women took to the streets to demand the right to vote, hold public office and equal pay in different parts of Europe. These were some of the numerous – and many a times – unrecognized building blocks that culminated in the ideals of women’s...
  • Constitutionalizing Women’s Human Rights in Australia

    Constitutionalizing Women’s Human Rights in Australia

    “We may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter defeat so that we can know who the hell we are, what we can overcome, what makes us stumble and fall, and somehow miraculously rise and go on.” Maya Angelou...
  • Rights in Retrospect

    Rights in Retrospect

    It has been a long journey for women’s human rights activists and feminists in the struggle for emancipation from patriarchy, sexism, inequality, discrimination, and violence. In that struggle, women and girls have been denied an education, forced into early marriage, lacked autonomy over reproductive rights, battled poverty and homelessness,...
  • Gender Parity Must Start At School

    Gender Parity Must Start At School

    As countries around the world begin to ease self-imposed restrictions to contain the spread of COVID-19, they face a new challenge: reviving their economies and societies, while attempting to restore people’s living standards and the privileges they enjoyed before the pandemic. Of course, in many parts of the world,...
  • Digital inclusion: What does equal access to education mean in the digital age?

    The COVID-19 crisis, and the impact which it has had on learning across the world, has highlighted many of the digital disparities which exist in today’s world. At a time when many of the world’s students shifted from physical to digital, we were also faced with the hard truth...
  • Editorial: A New Hope?

    Editorial: A New Hope?

    In 2019, SDGs advocates and rights activists were fastidiously preparing for a momentous year. Making a call for the Decade of Action with only 10 years remaining to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, 2020 was a supposed to be big year with the unveiling of the SDGs 2020 report...
  • Enabling Girl Outcomes Via Data

    Enabling Girl Outcomes Via Data

    This article was previously published as part of Ananke’s special edition – Day of the Girl 2020. The original article can be viewed here. World Bank poverty estimates show that 44 percent of global extreme poverty is concentrated among children. Moreover, there are 105 girls for every 100 boys...
  • Step Out of Line, Ladies!

    Step Out of Line, Ladies!

    In 1873, a 273-meter long suffrage petition was presented to the New Zealand Parliament that not just led to the sanctioning of voting power of women, becoming an inspiration for suffragists globally – it eventually led to the appointment of Jacinda Ardern (not the first female PM), one of...

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